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Welcome to the civilian portion of Los Santos Role Play, the most important aspect of the entire server.  Civilians are the heartbeat of everything, there would be no role playing interaction without them.  As a civilian you get to do what ever it is you would like to do.  You create you own character and grow their story how you like.  There are literally TONS of things for civilians to do, from honest work to criminal activity or even a little of both.  To become a civilian all you do is fill out an application (which can be found in link below) then after accepted head over to the LSRP-CAD and create a character.  ALL civilians must be registered in the CAD as it is the only way to execute the proper role play experience. This is an ESX server so there are jobs for you at the local job center, or as mentioned before you can start your own criminal organization, totally up to you.


If interested in becoming an official civilian just click link at bottom of page to be directed to application.  Also read a few rules below just to get a better idea of accepted role playing scenarios.

Civilian: About

As a civilian it is you r responsibility to earn income to survive in the economy, its just like real life, you must eat and drink to survive.  You must spend money on clothing, homes, food and cars at which can be purchased outright or financed for 10% interest (don't miss a payment or it could be repossessed).  Ways to earn income; one is to get a legit job which can be found at the job center in the downtown area of Los Santos; two, you can begin your life of crime, BUT be weary, if you are captured by police you could be subject to prison time, fines or community service.  Jail sentences have a HUGE varying range, you could be looking at anywhere from one minute all the way to a maximum of 180 minutes, yes 3 IRL hours of imprisonment, so VALUE YOUR LIFE, treat this as if it were real!  All fines and sentencing will be enforced by the guidelines drafted by the governing body of the Los Santos Supreme Court, with some officer discretion.  You must get a valid drivers license or risk being arrested or ticketed by law enforcement.  If you have no job you will receive a "welfare" pay check, which isn't much so you'll want to find work quick.  You are allowed to in game gamble, loan a friend some money if you should choose to do so, actually rob stores with a dirty money payout at which will then need to be cleaned by laundering it. Gang role play IS allowed unlike in some other servers.  Serial killer role play IS allowed as well under certain circumstances, whoever you are deciding to involve in the role play must be notified and agree to it, you can not just go around ruining other people's RP experience by just randomly killing them, there is no sniper RP.  That would be considered RDM and FRP and will be dealt with accordingly.  If you would like to be in law enforcement it would be in your best interest to keep a clean (in game) criminal record as it will be considered upon acceptance to a department.

Civilian: Text


Civilian: Text
Civilian: Image
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